Category Archives: Indoor Air Quality

Is the MERV Rating on My Furnace Filter Important in 2025?

  If you’re a homeowner in Canada, you’ve probably thought about your indoor air quality—especially with our ever-changing weather bringing everything from dust to allergens into our homes. One of the easiest ways to improve the air you breathe is by choosing the right furnace filter. But with all the different options out there, how do … Continue reading Is the MERV Rating on My Furnace Filter Important in 2025?

Weather Patterns in Toronto for the Past 20 Years: How it Affects Your HVAC

Over the past two decades, Toronto has witnessed significant changes in its climate, marked by rising temperatures and increased precipitation. As these trends are anticipated to persist, the impact on urban infrastructure, including HVAC systems, is becoming more prevalent in conversations about building sustainability.  This blog explores how the evolving weather conditions affect HVAC systems … Continue reading Weather Patterns in Toronto for the Past 20 Years: How it Affects Your HVAC

What Appliances Can Cause A Carbon Monoxide Alarm To Go Off?   

Carbon monoxide alarms are critical for every home’s safety, but did you know they can be triggered by common household devices? Carbon monoxide alarms can go off due to appliances that burn fossil fuels, such as:  Furnaces  Boilers  Water heaters  Stoves  Fireplaces  Grills  Cars or other vehicles running inside a garage   How to Prevent Carbon … Continue reading What Appliances Can Cause A Carbon Monoxide Alarm To Go Off?   

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Guide: Everything You Need to Know 

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless gas that can be deadly if inhaled. That’s why it’s important to have a carbon monoxide alarm in your home to detect this poisonous gas. Since it’s a major safety component to HVAC, we will answer some frequently asked questions in this carbon monoxide alarm guide to help … Continue reading Carbon Monoxide Alarm Guide: Everything You Need to Know 

How to Get Rid of Air Pollution in Your Home

The quality of the air you breathe is critical in the maintenance of your health and the long-term preservation of your home. When people catch colds or start to develop more serious chronic health issues, they often attribute it to something external, when in fact, the problem could be originating right in the place where … Continue reading How to Get Rid of Air Pollution in Your Home

6 Indoor Air Quality Products & Cleaners for Your Home

If you are looking for ways to improve the air quality in your home, there are several options available. Here we review six indoor air quality products and cleaners for your home to help you narrow down your choices.  1. Air Filters  There are two basic types of air filters for your home. Electronic air … Continue reading 6 Indoor Air Quality Products & Cleaners for Your Home

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Toronto Home  

When you’re in the city, your home’s air quality is even more important a consideration than it would be if you lived out in the country. You have to deal with city pollution, and you don’t get as much healthy air circulation. This impacts the air inside of your home just as much as it … Continue reading How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Toronto Home  

How Your Carpet Affects Indoor Air Quality

The air you breathe plays a big role in your immune system and overall health. For Ontarians, our air quality can be impacted by a variety of factors, including the materials in our homes and businesses.  At Air Treatment ClimateCare, we receive a lot of questions about the impact of air quality from carpet and other flooring materials. Here, … Continue reading How Your Carpet Affects Indoor Air Quality

12 Energy Saving Tips to Help You Cut Back This Spring

Most families look for ways to cut back on the daily expenses of home ownership but miss the easiest ways to get the job done. If you are sick of the energy (and by extension, money) waste, these twelve energy saving tips are a cure for what ails you. Disclaimer: Some of these solutions require … Continue reading 12 Energy Saving Tips to Help You Cut Back This Spring

What are the Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants? And How to Remove Them

We all want to have clean air, both in the environment at large and in our homes. However, few households have all of the tools they need to remove common indoor air pollutants. And, few people realize that they may be bringing pollutants into their home with furniture and other common household goods. Here’s what … Continue reading What are the Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants? And How to Remove Them