Category Archives: Carbon Monoxide Alarm

What Do You Do If A Carbon Monoxide Alarm Goes Off?  

It’s a scary moment when you hear that piercing sound of a carbon monoxide alarm, but it’s important you know what to do to keep your household safe. If your carbon monoxide alarm goes off, the first step is to evacuate your home immediately and call 911.  Once you are outside, wait for emergency services … Continue reading What Do You Do If A Carbon Monoxide Alarm Goes Off?  

How Do Carbon Monoxide Alarms Work?

Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms work by detecting the presence of CO through chemical reactions. The detectors are equipped with either an electrochemical sensor or a metal oxide semiconductor, both of which react with CO in the air. If the CO concentration reaches a dangerous level, the detector will trigger an alarm to alert those nearby.  … Continue reading How Do Carbon Monoxide Alarms Work?

What Appliances Can Cause A Carbon Monoxide Alarm To Go Off?   

Carbon monoxide alarms are critical for every home’s safety, but did you know they can be triggered by common household devices? Carbon monoxide alarms can go off due to appliances that burn fossil fuels, such as:  Furnaces  Boilers  Water heaters  Stoves  Fireplaces  Grills  Cars or other vehicles running inside a garage   How to Prevent Carbon … Continue reading What Appliances Can Cause A Carbon Monoxide Alarm To Go Off?   

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Guide: Everything You Need to Know 

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless gas that can be deadly if inhaled. That’s why it’s important to have a carbon monoxide alarm in your home to detect this poisonous gas. Since it’s a major safety component to HVAC, we will answer some frequently asked questions in this carbon monoxide alarm guide to help … Continue reading Carbon Monoxide Alarm Guide: Everything You Need to Know 

Carbon Monoxide Regulations in Ontario: 3 Things to Consider 

Since 2014, the province of Ontario has required all homes at risk of carbon monoxide to install detectors for this potentially deadly gas. According to Kidde Canada, the carbon monoxide detector law in Ontario is called the Hawkins-Gignac Act. Here are some things you should know about the carbon monoxide regulations in Ontario.  1. When … Continue reading Carbon Monoxide Regulations in Ontario: 3 Things to Consider